Dean & Company is proud to be transparent about our pricing, and as such, we offer price quotes at no charge. To give potential clients an idea of where our prices begin:
Tax Return Preparation & Filing
- Individual tax returns start at $375 for Form 1040
- Partnership tax returns start at $775
- Corporate tax returns (“S” or “C”) start at $900
- Trust tax returns start at $500
- Gift returns start at $475
- Estate returns start at $400 Form for 1041 and start at $1,000 for Form 706
- Non-profit tax returns start at $650 for Form 990-EZ and $950 for Form 990 or 990-PF
- FBAR FinCEN Form 114 – start at $350
- Annual Federal 1099 filing preparation starts at $100, plus $15/1099, plus e-file fees for new clients (call for pricing for existing clients)
- Audit assistance and representation – $250/hour
- Tax consulting and tax planning services are $250/hour
- Business consulting services are $250/hour
What kinds of things will increase my tax preparation fees?
- For individual returns, things like: itemized deductions (Schedule A), significant investment income (Schedule B), capital gains & losses (Schedule D) self-employed income (Schedule C), farm income (Schedule F), rental income (Schedule E), pass-through income (K-1’s), various tax credits, tracking depreciation, etc.
- For business returns, the two biggest factors in cost are: 1) the size and complexity of your business, and 2) the organization and accuracy of the financial information provided by you. Other items that increase fees are: depreciation schedules, balance sheets, if we must calculate or track stock basis, number of members or stockholders, number of states you must file, having to file K-2’s or K-3’s, etc.
Bookkeeping & Accounting Services
- Monthly/quarterly bookkeeping services – sole proprietors start at $125 per month, small businesses start at $225 per month
- Quarterly review and reconciliations – sole proprietors start at $350 per quarter, small businesses start at $600 per quarter
- Annual review and reconciliations – sole proprietors start at $1,100 per year, small businesses start at $2,000 per year (these fees will be higher if the annual work must be done between our busy season of January 1st and May 15th)
- Non-profit and church monthly bill-pay and bookkeeping services – starts at $450 per month
- Church annual internal audit – including internal control analysis starts at $2,000; only doing sample testing starts at $750 (services only available from June 1st to November 30th)
Payroll Services
- We offer multiple levels of service for payroll; from full service where we run your payroll, file your payroll taxes, and file your payroll forms to after-the-fact payroll where we only file your monthly/quarterly/annual payroll taxes and forms from the payroll you provide us.
- Payroll fees start at $100 per month
New Business Set Up
- Articles of Organization (LLC) or Incorporation (Corporation) – $350 *does not include Secretary of State fees*
- Tax Identification Number – $150
- S-Corporation Election – starts at $375
If you would like a personalized quote for the service(s) you desire, please call our office at 434-385-5999 and one of our associates will provide you with a list of what we need to create the quote.